Daily Bread for 1-13-11

Good morning,

Today’s forecast calls for snow, of limited accumulation, with a high temperature of twenty-three degrees.

Tuna’s a popular food, but tuna fishing in U.S. waters may be restricted. The Wall Street Journal, in a story entitled, Tuna Fight Muddies Waters Over Damage From BP Spill, reports that

The bluefin tuna is one of the most majestic and prized creatures in the sea. Last week, one caught off Japan sold in Tokyo for $396,000, to be used as sushi.

Now the fish is the subject of a scientific fight that shows how hard it will be to gauge the environmental fallout of the biggest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

The U.S. government will wrap up public meetings next week on whether to recommend declaring the Atlantic bluefin an endangered species….

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