Daily Bread for 1-14-11

Good morning,

For today, the Whitewater’s forecast calls for a slight chance of flurries, with a high temperature of twenty-three.

In our schools, at Washington School, it’s Family Fitness Night, from 6-8 p.m, and at the Middle School it’s Activity Night from 7-9:30 p.m.

Over at Science News, there’s a post entitled, The write stuff for test anxiety:
Students score higher after jotting down worries before a big exam

Psychologists Gerardo Ramirez and Sian Beilock, of the University of Chicago, contend that

High school and college students go from choking to smoking on big tests by writing about their exam fears beforehand, a new study suggests.

In what amounts to a Heimlich maneuver for choking under pressure, writing down test-related worries for 10 minutes before taking a major exam appears to dislodge those concerns and clear the way for higher achievement….

That’s intriguing, and contrary to a traditional view that holds that one should ignore one’s worries, and concentrate only on the subject matter. Beilock has a book on the topic of test anxiety: Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To.

Here’s Beilock talking about her book —

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