Good morning, Whitewater.
Thursday will become increasingly sunny, and reach a daytime high of thirty-eight. Sunrise is 7:22 and sunset 4:45, for 9h 22m 29s of daytime. The moon is a waxing crescent with 23.6% of its visible disk illuminated.
It’s Benedict Arnold‘s birthday. has an article about Arnold, entitled, 9 Things You May Not Know About Benedict Arnold.
One of my favorite political cartoons is from 1865, in which the cartoonist depicts Benedict Arnold and Jefferson Davis being welcomed into Hell. One should be properly reluctant to opine on the theological soundness of that assessment (being as it is a divine judgment), but as a political matter the cartoonist’s characterization seems about right.
Here’s today’s Puzzability game in their current series, Band Mates:
This Week’s Game — January 11-15
Band Mates
Glad you’ve joined us for this week’s musical pieces. For each day, we started with the name of a famous rock band that contains at least one repeated letter. Each day’s clue is the chunk of letters between such a pair, with any spaces removed.
The Rolling Stones
What to Submit:
Submit the band’s name (as “The Rolling Stones” in the example) for your answer.
Thursday, January 14