Daily Bread for 1.20.19

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny with a high of thirteen.  Sunrise is 7:19 AM and sunset 4:52 PM, for 9h 33m 45s of daytime.  The moon is full with 99.2% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today is the eight hundred second day.


On this day in 1981, the Iran Hostage Crisis ends.

Recommended for reading in full:

Adam Rawnsley reports Breakfast in Trumpland: Inside the Nunes-Flynn Meeting That Caught Mueller’s Attention:

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) has gone from being an overseer in the Russia investigation to a potential witness in it. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating potential influence peddling at an inaugural fundraising breakfast attended by Nunes, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and a host of foreign officials from around the world. So where do pricey Eggs Benedict fit in with the rest of the Russia investigation

Best buds: It makes sense that Nunes appeared at the event alongside Flynn, then his fellow Trump transition teammate. The two became close when Flynn was serving as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency for President Obama and Nunes was a junior member of the House intelligence committee, according to a Newsweek profile. The two bonded over Flynn’s Iran-centric view of Middle Eastern terrorism, and Nunes eagerly embraced the general’s conspiracy theories, like the belief that Tehran was somehow behind the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

 Last Tuesday, Sen. Amy Klobuchar questions attorney general nominee William Barr on obstruction from CNBC.

Justin George and Eli Hager report One Way To Deal With Cops Who Lie? Blacklist Them, Some DAs Say:

In the racially divided city of St. Louis the chief prosecutor has embraced a controversial tool to hold police accountable: blacklisting cops who she says are too untrustworthy to testify in court.

So far, Kim Gardner has dropped more than 100 cases that relied on statements from the 29 officers who got on the list for alleged lying, abuse or corruption. And she won’t accept new cases or search-warrant requests from them, either.

From Philadelphia to Houston to Seattle, district attorneys recently elected on platforms of criminal justice reform are building similar databases of their own. Often known as “do not call” lists, they are also called “exclusion lists” or “Brady lists” after a famous Supreme Court decision requiring prosecutors to disclose to defense lawyers information about unreliable police officers or other holes in their cases.

The goal is to help prosecutors avoid bringing cases built on evidence from officers who are likely to be challenged in court, these new DAs say. Having a centralized list at a district attorney’s office, they say, allows for the gathering of institutional knowledge, so that if one prosecutor on staff knows about a bad cop, all the prosecutors do.

(Small groups of liars and misfits have been shielded long enough, among the rank & file and among leaders.)

 A World-Famous Artist With Four Legs and a Bite:

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