Daily Bread for 1.25.13

Good morning.

Friday brings snowfall to Whitewater, in the morning, with only a slight accumulation likely. We’ll have a high of twenty-six, with 9h 42m of sunlight, 10h 44m of daylight, and a waxing gibbous moon.


On this day in 1915, a milestone of telephony, as Alexander Graham Bell tests a transcontinental phone line:

On October 9, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson talked by telephone to each other over a two-mile wire stretched between Cambridge and Boston. It was the first wire conversation ever held. Yesterday afternoon the same two men talked by telephone to each other over a 3,400-mile wire between New York and San Francisco. Dr. Bell, the veteran inventor of the telephone, was in New York, and Mr. Watson, his former associate, was on the other side of the continent. They heard each other much more distinctly than they did in their first talk thirty-eight years ago.

Impressive, even now.

Google-a-Day offers a history question: “What Frankish ruler is associated with the Carolingian Renaissance?”

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