Daily Bread for 1.4.12

Good morning.

It’s warmer in Whitewater today than yesterday, and the high today will be thirty-five, with mostly sunny skies. In Manchester, NH, today will be increasingly cloudy with a high temperature of twenty-three.

There’s a Landmarks Commission meeting this afternoon in Whitewater, at 5 PM. The meeting agenda is available online.

On this day in 1923, in trying to prevent the kind of raucous behavior that might led to the collapse of Wisconsin’s social order,

1923 – Student Dancing [Was] Banned

On this date Milton College president A.E. Whitford banned dancing by students in off-campus, semi-public places such as confectionery stores. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

Via Wisconsin Historical Society.

Today’s puzzle from Google is one of measurement: “What’s the distance, in feet, between the highest point on land and the deepest point in the ocean?”  Which distance, though, does Google mean?  They might mean the distance between height and depth (most likely), or they might mean the linear or spherical distance between these two points.  The first is the predictable answer, but I don’t think either of the other two would be wrong. We’ll see what they really meant when they reveal the answer tomorrow.

Of distances, is there a more impressive route than along this distance? Not likely —

Time Lapse From Space – Literally. The Journey Home. from Fragile Oasis on Vimeo.

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