Daily Bread for 1.5.14

Good morning.

Whitewater will have a cold Sunday, with a high of nine, and wind chill values between ten to fifteen below.

The Whitewater Unified School District, as with many other districts across Wisconsin, will be closed tomorrow, 1.6.14: “WUSD Closed Monday, 1/6/2014 due to dangerous wind chills. After school & evening activities for Monday are also cancelled.”

The Friday Poll on today’s Packers-49ers game is now closed. The majority of respondents are, as I am, optimistic, with 60.53% predicting a Green Bay win. Kickoff is 3:40 pm, televised on Fox.

What happens when a resident of South Porcupine, Ontario uses a water gun to shoot boiling water into the -41 C air? This is what happens:

(Some comments on YouTube suggest that the video mistakenly describes -41 C as -41 F. The comments are wrong; at these temperatures, they’re about the same numerical value: -41 C is -41.8 F, where the conversion is C = 5/9 (F-32).)

On this day in 1914, Henry Ford announced a new set of benefits and work rules for his company:

Detroit, Mich., Jan. 5. — Henry Ford, head of the Ford Motor Company, announced today one of the most remarkable business moves of his entire remarkable career. In brief it is:

To give to the employees of the company $10,000,000 of the profits of the 1914 business, the payments to be made semi-monthly and added to the pay checks.

To run the factory continuously instead of only eighteen hours a day, giving employment to several thousand more men by employing three shifts of eight hours each, instead of only two nine-hour shifts, as at present.

To establish a minimum wage scale of $5 per day. Even the boy who sweeps up the floors will get that much.

Before any man in any department of the company who does not seem to be doing good work shall be discharged, an opportunity will be given to him to try to make good in every other department. No man shall be discharged except for proved unfaithfulness or irremediable inefficiency.

On January 5, 1855, a Fond du Lac inventor is born:

1855 – King Camp Gillette Born
On this date King Camp Gillette was born in Fond du Lac. He worked for many years as a traveling salesman. After much experimentation, he developed a disposable steel blade and razor. He established the Gillette Safety Razor Company in 1901. Sales for his product skyrocketed. Gillette remained president of his company until 1931 and was a director until his death the following year. [Source: Lemelson-MIT Program]

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