Daily Bread for 1.8.14

Good morning.

Whitewater will be cold today, but not as cold: a high of five degrees, with calmer winds producing wind chill values of zero to ten below.

On this day in 1918, Pres. Wilson issued his Fourteen Points proposal:

It will be our wish and purpose that the processes of peace, when they are begun, shall be absolutely open and that they shall involve and permit henceforth no secret understandings of any kind. The day of conquest and aggrandizement is gone by; so is also the day of secret covenants entered into in the interest of particular governments and likely at some unlooked-for moment to upset the peace of the world. It is this happy fact, now clear to the view of every public man whose thoughts do not still linger in an age that is dead and gone, which makes it possible for every nation whose purposes are consistent with justice and the peace of the world to avow nor or at any other time the objects it has in view….

On January 8, 1910, hundreds of vagrants demanded compensation for snow-shoveling:

1910 – Vagrant Snow Shovelers Strike for Pay
On this date 228 vagrants were brought in to shovel snow at the Chicago & Northwestern rail yard in Janesville. Shortly thereafter, they went on strike for 25 cents an hour and better food. Two days later, they went on strike again, asking for 30 cents an hour. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

Puzzability‘s weekly series continues:

This Week’s Game — January 6-10
Re Solutions
You’ll only need to keep these New Year’s resolutions for a week. For each day, we started with a word and added the two-letter chunk RE somewhere within the word to get a new word. The two-word answer phrase, described by each day’s clue, is the shorter word followed by the RE word.
Pumpernickel that’s been sitting around too long
Bad bread
What to Submit:
Submit the two-word phrase, with the RE word second (as “Bad bread” in the example), for your answer.
Wednesday, January 8
Formal reprimands concerning the official population count

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