Daily Bread for 10.13.22: The Appointed Squatters on the Technical College Board

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be mostly sunny with a high of 51. Sunrise is 7:06 AM and sunset 6:14 PM for 11h 07m 53s of daytime. The moon is a waning gibbous with 85.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

Whitewater’s Finance Committee meets at 5:30 PM. 

On this day in 1903, the Boston Red Sox win the first modern World Series, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates in the eighth game

I’ll sit here while you don’t call me again.
Photo by K D on Unsplash

Fred Prehn, a repulsive WISGOP holdover beyond his term on the Natural Resources Board, has compatriots on the Technical College System Board. (Of Fred Prehn, see Tiny Fred Prehn and Fred Prehn, the Most Self-Aware Man in All History.) Kelly Meyerhofer reports 18 months after terms expired, GOP appointees to Wisconsin’s technical college board continue to serve and deny Evers’ picks:

Mary Williams isn’t budging.

The former GOP state representative from northern Wisconsin who was appointed by former Republican Gov. Scott Walker to the Technical College System Board continues to serve despite her term expiring in May 2021 and Gov. Tony Evers naming her replacement months ago.

“All you have to do is see what the Supreme Court did,” she said. 

Williams and two other holdovers on the board whose terms expired in May 2021 — Associated Builders and Contractors vice president Kelly Tourdot and Rio dairy farmer Becky Levzow — are emboldened to stay since the state Supreme Court ruled this summer that it’s OK for political appointees to continue serving beyond their terms. The court said the expiration of a term doesn’t create a vacancy until the state Senate holds a confirmation hearing. 

The actions of Williams, Tourdot and Levzow mirror Fred Prehn, a Wausau dentist and Walker appointee to the Natural Resources Board who has similarly disregarded his term’s end date, remaining on the board to prevent a Democratic majority from forming.


Asked why so many other political appointees over the years step down when their terms expire as opposed to taking her approach, Williams said, “Because everyone’s an individual. Now I’m going to hang up, and I don’t want you to call me again.”

Russians fleeing draft sail in yachts to South Korea:



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