Daily Bread for 10.14.23: Wisconsin Life | Jungle Jay

 Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be rainy, as was yesterday, with a high of 56. Sunrise is 7:07 and sunset 6:13 PM for 11h 05m 45s of daytime. The moon is new with 0.1% of its visible disk illuminated.

  On this day in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt is shot in Milwaukee:  

Roosevelt was in Wisconsin stumping as the presidential candidate of the new, independent Progressive Party, which had split from the Republican Party earlier that year. Roosevelt already had served two terms as chief executive (1901-1909), but was seeking the office again as the champion of progressive reform. Unbeknownst to Roosevelt, a New York bartender named John Schrank had been stalking him for three weeks through eight states. As Roosevelt left Milwaukee’s Hotel Gilpatrick for a speaking engagement at the Milwaukee Auditorium and stood waving to the gathered crowd, Schrank fired a .38-caliber revolver that he had hidden in his coat.

Roosevelt was hit in the right side of the chest and the bullet lodged in his chest wall. Seeing the blood on his shirt, vest, and coat, his aides pleaded with him to seek medical help, but Roosevelt trivialized the wound and insisted on keeping his commitment. His life was probably saved by the speech, since the contents of his coat pocket — his metal spectacle case and the thick, folded manuscript of his talk — had absorbed much of the force of the bullet. Throughout the evening he made light of the wound, declaring at one point, “It takes more than one bullet to kill a Bull Moose,” but the candidate spend the next week in the hospital and carried the bullet inside him the rest of his life.

Schrank, the would-be assassin, was examined by psychiatrists, who recommended that he be committed to an asylum. A judge concurred and Schrank spent the remainder of his life incarcerated, first at the Northern Hospital for the Insane in Oshkosh, then at Central State Hospital for the criminally insane at the state prison at Waupun. The glass Roosevelt drank from on stage that night was acquired by the Wisconsin Historical Museum. You can read more about the assassination attempt on their Museum Object of Week pages.

Wisconsin Life profiles Jungle Jay:

As a little boy Jungle Jay Christie always dreamed of owning his own wildlife conservation park. That dream came true with Safari Lake Geneva nestled amongst farm fields near the Village of Bloomfield.

100-Year-Old Shipwreck Discovered in Lake Superior:

A World War I-era shipwreck was discovered 800 feet deep in Lake Superior, exactly 100 years after it first sank. Footage from the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society shows the underwater discovery. The vessel, known as the Huronton, sank in 1923 after it collided with another ship during a pocket of heavy fog and smoke over the lake. Per CNN, the ship was found just miles from the Edmund Fitzgerald, a 1975 shipwreck made famous in a song by Gordon Lightfoot.
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