Daily Bread for 10.17.11

It’s a mostly sunny day, with a high temperature of sixty-one, but a freeze risk tonight, awaiting us.

You may have wondered if piranhas make sounds, and if they do, what sounds they make.  Scientists in Belgium have your answer:

….according to Sandie Millot, Pierre Vandewalle and Eric Parmentier from the University of Liège, Belgium, the piranha barks more than it bites.

The team of biologists plunged a hydrophone (an underwater microphone) into a tank of captive red-bellied piranhas and listened in to the different sounds they make in different situations.

So far, the team registered three distinct noises. When piranhas enter into a confrontation they’ll make a barking noise. When they’re fighting for food or circling an opponent, a piranha will make short percussive drum-like sounds. And when their jaws snap at each other, a softer croaking sound is produced.

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