Daily Bread for 10.19.12

Good morning.

Whitewater’s work week ends with a likelihood of showers and a high of forty-nine.

On this day in 1987, the stock market fell after the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 508 points – 22.6% – its second biggest percentage drop.

On this day in 1781, America achieved a decisive victory over Britain at Yorktown:

Hopelessly trapped at Yorktown, Virginia, British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders 8,000 British soldiers and seamen to a larger Franco-American force, effectively bringing an end to the American Revolution….On October 19, General Cornwallis surrendered 7,087 officers and men, 900 seamen, 144 cannons, 15 galleys, a frigate, and 30 transport ships. Pleading illness, he did not attend the surrender ceremony, but his second-in-command, General Charles O’Hara, carried Cornwallis’ sword to the American and French commanders. As the British and Hessian troops marched out to surrender, the British bands played the song “The World Turned Upside Down.”

Google’s daily puzzle asks about a physicist, with a sitcom hint: “Who, by virtue of his discovery of the Red Shift, set forth the foundation for the theory that has the same name as a sitcom that stars Jim Parsons?”

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