Daily Bread for 10.24.11

Good morning.

It’s a sunny day in small-town Whitewater, with a high temperature of sixty-three in store. It’s dark more than it’s light these days, with fewer than eleven hours of sunlight, and about eleven and a half hours of daylight. If the evenings are clear, it’s particularly lovely.

There’s a meeting of the Community Development Authority today at 4:30 PM. The meeting’s agenda is available online.

Later in the evening, there will be a Whitewater School Board meeting, beginning in closed session and thereafter open session at 7 PM.  That agenda is available online.

On this date in 1933, Amelia Earhart visited nearby Janesville:

On this date Amelia Earhart spoke to the Janesville Woman’s History Club as part of the group’s 57th anniversary celebration. Four years later, Earhart disappeared as she attempted to fly across the Pacific Ocean. [Source: Janesville Gazette 10/24/1933, p.2 via Wisconsin Historical Society]

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