Daily Bread for 10.25.19

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of fifty.  Sunrise is 7:21 AM and sunset 5:56 PM, for 10h 35m 31s of daytime.  The moon is a waning crescent with 10.2% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today is the one thousand eighty-first day.

On this day in 1415,  England is unexpectedly victorious at the Battle of Agincourt.

Recommended for reading in full:

Randall Eliason writes The Republicans’ ‘due process’ arguments are nonsense:

On Wednesday morning, more than two dozen Republican House members, reportedly with Trump’s approvalstormed a secure House hearing room to disrupt the testimony and protest what they claim is an unfair, secret investigation. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) has attacked the non-public impeachment inquiry as a sham and a violation of due process. But these objections are baseless: At this stage, there are sound reasons for the House to proceed behind closed doors.

Impeachment is a two-step process. The House investigates and votes on articles of impeachment. If those articles are passed, the Senate holds a trial. In this context, the House is analogous to a criminal grand jury, the body that investigates and returns charges in the form of an indictment. The Senate proceeding is analogous to the public criminal trial that results from an indictment.

In the federal criminal system, grand jury proceedings are secret, closed not only to the public but also to those under investigation. Prosecutors question witnesses before the grand jury but defense counsel are not allowed to be in the room, much less to participate and cross-examine witnesses. With Republican committee members present and able to ask questions at the closed House hearings, the president already has far more representation at the investigative stage than a target of a grand jury investigation.

Philip Bump writes The Trump campaign has over $1 million in outstanding bills from American cities:

As the Minneapolis [Trump] rally loomed, CNN went back to a number of cities that had been identified in June by the Center for Public Integrity as places with outstanding bills in to the Trump campaign. CNN found that there was at least $841,000 still outstanding. The total, though, is more than that: Dave Levinthal, who reported the initial tallies for the Center for Public Integrity, confirmed in an email to The Washington Post on Thursday that he had checked back with all the cities he had identified in July and that none had been paid as of his most recent outreach.

Adding in the bill from Albuquerque, that brings the total outstanding bill to more than $1 million — $1,052,395.78, to be precise. El Paso, which hasn’t been paid for costs from a February rally, added a late fee of about $99,000 earlier this year, bringing the total to $1,151,183.36. Add in the $530,000 that Minneapolis was originally seeking and the total nears $1.7 million.

White bellbirds produce loudest bird call ever recorded:

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