Daily Bread for 10.3.12

Good morning.

It’s a partly sunny Wednesday, with a high of seventy, in store for Whitewater.

On this day in 1990, East and West Germany ended forty-five years of division, becoming one, re-unified country:

Then the President, Richard von Weizsacker, drawing on the words of the West German Constitution, proclaimed from the steps of the Reichstag: ”In free self-determination, we want to achieve the unity in freedom of Germany. We are aware of our responsibility for these tasks before God and the people. We want to serve peace in the world in a united Europe.”

If you’ve ever wondered what an astronaut sees at night, here’s a scenic answer:

Google’s daily puzzle asks about a drink, a place, and a language: “You just popped open a bottle of champagne in the country that’s the leading producer of cork. How do you say “happy birthday” like a native?”

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