Daily Bread for 10.7.14

Good morning, Whitewater.

Tuesday in town will be partly cloudy with a high of sixty-four.

At 8 AM this morning, there is a scheduled meeting of Downtown Whitewater’s board of directors. This evening, at 6:30 PM, Common Council will meet.

Does your workplace have an office dog, a canine who lives with you and your co-workers during the day? If so, you’re fortunate – an office or shop dog can improve the work atmosphere (and is an expression of a good atmosphere to begin with).

Over at Fast Company, they’ve a contest into which you can enter your company’s office dog:

Office Dog

[W]e present the America’s Top Office Dog Competition–or #topdog, for short. We know that dogs can be great for office morale and productivity, but what specific dog is the best office dog? (And is it even a dog? Could the best office dog be a bookstore cat? Just something to consider.)

And is it your office dog?

To have a chance at being America’s Top Office Dog, please email topdog @ (or tweet with #topdog to) us:

*A photo of your office dog.
*The name of the dog.
*Company name.
*Rationale for winning. This could be a productivity tip, the time your dog helped win over a client, really any story that demonstrates top dog-ness. Please keep these statements to 100 words or less.

Bracket voting will begin on Monday, 10/20 so we’ll need entrants by Wednesday, 10/15. The Top Dog will be chosen by Fast Company staff and a guest judge–Twitter’s own animal expert, @darth. Please spread the word! America’s Top Office Dog is out there. Prize TBA.

On this day in 2001, America (and Britain) begin a war against Taliban-ruled (and Al Qaeda-hosting) Afghanistan:

On Sunday 7 October 2001, American and British forces began an aerial bombing campaign targeting Taliban forces and al-Qaeda.

The Northern Alliance, aided by Joint Special Operations teams consisting of Green Berets from the 5th Special Forces Group, aircrew members from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), and Air Force Combat Controllers, fought against the Taliban. Aided by U.S. bombing and massive defections, they captured Mazari Sharif on 9 November. They then rapidly gained control of most of northern Afghanistan, and took control of Kabul on 13 November after the Taliban unexpectedly fled the city. The Taliban were restricted to a smaller and smaller region, with Kunduz, the last Taliban-held city in the north, captured on 26 November. Most of the Taliban fled to Pakistan.

The war continued in the south of the country, where the Taliban retreated to Kandahar. After Kandahar fell in December, remnants of the Taliban and al-Qaeda continued to mount resistance. Meanwhile, in November 2001 the U.S. military and its allied forces established their first ground base in Afghanistan to the south west of Kandahar, known as FOB Rhino.

The Battle of Tora Bora, involving U.S., British and Northern Alliance forces took place in December 2001 to further destroy the Taliban and suspected al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. In early March 2002 the United States military, along with allied Afghan military forces, conducted a large operation to destroy al-Qaeda in an operation code-named Operation Anaconda.

Google-a-Day asks a question about a destination:

When the president of Haiti fled the country following a 1991 coup, in what country did he first find asylum?

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