Daily Bread for 10.9.13

Good morning.

Our midweek will be sunny, with a high of seventy-one, and south winds around 5 mph.

On this day in 1635, Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts. He later founds his own settlement:

Religious dissident Roger Williams is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony by the General Court of Massachusetts. Williams had spoken out against the right of civil authorities to punish religious dissension and to confiscate Indian land.

After leaving Massachusetts, Williams, with the assistance of the Narragansett tribe, established a settlement at the junction of two rivers near Narragansett Bay, located in present-day Rhode Island. He declared the settlement open to all those seeking freedom of conscience and the removal of the church from civil matters, and many dissatisfied Puritans came. Taking the success of the venture as a sign from God, Williams named the community “Providence.”

Among those who found a haven in the religious and political refuge of the Rhode Island Colony were Anne Hutchinson–like Williams, she had been exiled from Massachusetts for religious reasons–some of the first Jews to settle in North America, and the Quakers. In Providence, Roger Williams also founded the first Baptist church in America and edited the first dictionary of Native-American languages.

Scientific American‘s daily trivia question asks about satellite launches. (Clicking on the question leads to its answer.)

China has built and launched a satellite for which African nation?

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