Daily Bread for 10.9.21: Michael Gableman Brilliantly Reprises a 1940 Film Role

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of 70.  Sunrise is 7:02 AM and sunset 6:21 PM for 11h 18m 32s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 12.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1936, Boulder Dam (later Hoover Dam) begins to generate electricity and transmit it to Los Angeles.

Photograph of the Hoover Dam (formerly Boulder Dam) from Across the Colorado River; From the series Ansel Adams Photographs of National Parks and Monuments, compiled 1941 – 1942, documenting the period ca. 1933 – 1942.

 Only two days ago, Patrick Marley and Natalie Eilbert reported accurately that Former Supreme Court Justice Gableman, head of Republican review of Wisconsin election, says he does not understand how elections work.  See Daily Bread for 10.7.21: Michael Gableman’s Candid, and Disqualifying, Ignorance.  Gableman made himself a punchline over his admitted ignorance.

Now, he’s changing his mind, day-by-day. Patrick Marley and Molly Beck report GOP attorney Michael Gableman says he will force officials to sit for interviews, a day after calling off his subpoenas:

Gableman insisted Friday in a radio interview he was still subpoenaing officials from Wisconsin’s five largest cities to testify a day after his aide told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he was putting off the interviews for now.

His comments came less than four hours before another aide made clear in an email to a Madison official that an interview was canceled and a Green Bay official said the city clerk was no longer being asked by Gableman to testify.

Gableman’s subpoenas to mayors and election officials are seeking all election records they possess, which would constitute hundreds of thousands if not millions of pages and demanded testimony from the clerks and mayors on Oct. 15 and Oct. 22.

(In one of his radio interviews, Gableman also compared the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Gableman retracted his remarks only after his radio host described them as inappropriate.)

One might think that Gableman is in over his head, confused and uncertain, changing course after each day, or each hour within the day, as circumstances sweep aside another of his ignorant notions.

There is, however, an alternative theory worth considering.

Perhaps, simply perhaps, Gableman’s seeming ignorance is the masterful performance of a man merely acting as though he’s ignorant.

A proper list of great actors would then include Olivier, Branagh, Hackman, De Niro, and Gableman.

Yet if this should all be fine — dare one say, extraordinary — acting, then what role is Gableman playing?

Consider every play or script over the generations, and the answer is obvious: Gableman is playing a character from Of Fox and Houndsa 1940 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies short directed by Tex Avery:

Masterful, simply masterful.

Boxer Tries Out a Cat Tree:

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3 years ago

[…] Meanwhile, Michael Gableman’s partisan audit trudges along: Gableman Requests an Inquisition, Michael Gableman’s Candid, and Disqualifying, Ignorance, and Michael Gableman Brilliantly Reprises a 1940 Film Role. […]