Daily Bread for 11.07.11

Good morning,

It’s a partly cloudy day with a high temperature of sixty ahead for Whitewater, and rain likely tonight and tomorrow.

In our small city today, there will be a meeting of the Park & Rec Board at 5 PM.  The meeting agenda is available online.

On this day in 1917, the Bolsheviks seized power, when forces led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky.  The New York Times archive includes a story reporting on the beginning of one of history’s most violent regimes.

There’s a happier anniversary on November 7th: it’s Madame Curie’s birthday. Google has a doodle in her honor, and Wikipedia offers still more on the accomplishments of the two-time Nobel laureate.

Of Google, there’s a daily puzzle you might want to try. They publish a puzzle each day, with a separate search site that readers can use that filters published answers so that one cannot simply search for the correct response.

Here’s the puzzle for 11.07: “If the Statue of Liberty (including pedestal) were measured with the unit of length most common in 2650 BCE, how tall would she be?”

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