Daily Bread for 11.12.19

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of nineteen.  Sunrise is 6:43 AM and sunset 4:34 PM, for 9h 50m 29s of daytime.  The moon is full with 100% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today is the one thousand ninety-ninth day.

Whitewater’s Public Works Committee meets at 6 PM.

 On this day in 1836, Territorial Governor Dodge signs Wisconsin’s first law, prescribing how legislators were to behave, and how others were to behave toward them.

Recommended for reading in full:

Molly Beck reports Tony Evers rehires former agriculture secretary ousted by Senate Republicans:

Gov. Tony Evers has rehired his former agriculture secretary less than a week after Senate Republicans voted to fire him.

Brad Pfaff has been hired as the state Department of Administration’s director of business and rural development after being ousted last week by Republican lawmakers following a series of clashes over state funding for farmers’ mental health services.


A spokeswoman for Evers did not immediately say whether the position was created for Pfaff.

The Republicans’ vote to remove Pfaff marked the first time the Senate ousted a cabinet secretary in decades, and possibly ever. Evers’ called the move “absolute bullshit.”

Republicans defended their vote to reject Pfaff by arguing manure storage rules Pfaff has been developing would hurt struggling farmers amid one of the worst downturns for the dairy industry.

But Evers said the lawmakers were punishing Pfaff for sticking up for farmers and publicly criticizing Republicans who control the Legislature for holding back suicide prevention funds.

 Mitch Smith reports New Normal in Key State for 2020 Race: Political Deadlock:

MADISON, Wis. — The governor of Wisconsin called a special session last week to debate gun legislation. It resulted in exactly zero new laws, and it lasted less than a minute.

Such is life these days in Wisconsin, a state that for much of the last decade was a laboratory for some of the nation’s most conservative policymaking and a hotbed of partisan fervor, but where pretty much everything has now slowed to a crawl.

Acrimonious deadlocks have become the new normal in Wisconsin, one of three Midwestern states where Democrats ended full Republican control last year by flipping governorships. Gov. Tony Evers’s defeat of Scott Walker, whose success at pushing Wisconsin sharply to the right prompted a brief presidential bid, has given Democrats a new foothold this year in a region where they had been mostly sidelined. Yet with attention turning to the presidential election, in which Wisconsin voters are seen as playing a decisive role, divided power has given way to frustrated impasse, with little chance for either party to hold up state policymaking as the showcase it once was here.

Yesterday, Mercury transited in front of the Sun, and NASA recorded the event:

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