Daily Bread for 11.21.18

Good morning.

Wednesday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of thirty-one.  Sunrise is 6:55 AM and sunset 4:26 PM, for 9h 31m 20s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 96.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today is the seven hundred forty-second day.

On this day in 1877,  Thomas Edison announces the invention of the phonograph:

Thomas Alva Edison conceived the principle of recording and reproducing sound between May and July 1877 as a byproduct of his efforts to “play back” recorded telegraph messages and to automate speech sounds for transmission by telephone.[15] He announced his invention of the first phonograph, a device for recording and replaying sound, on November 21, 1877 (early reports appear in Scientific American and several newspapers in the beginning of November, and an even earlier announcement of Edison working on a ‘talking-machine’ can be found in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 9), and he demonstrated the device for the first time on November 29 (it was patented on February 19, 1878 as US Patent 200,521). “In December, 1877, a young man came into the office of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, and placed before the editors a small, simple machine about which very few preliminary remarks were offered. The visitor without any ceremony whatever turned the crank, and to the astonishment of all present the machine said: “Good morning. How do you do? How do you like the phonograph?” The machine thus spoke for itself, and made known the fact that it was the phonograph…”[16]

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