Good morning.
Sunday in Whitewater will be partly cloudy with a high of 56. Sunrise is 6:34 and sunset 4:41 for 10h 06m 56s of daytime. The moon is a waning crescent with 48.1% of its visible disk illuminated.
On this day in 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first and only President of the United States to be elected to a third term (and four years later, a fourth).
The Cambridge Professor Who Learned to Read at 18:
Meet Jason Arday, Cambridge University’s youngest-ever Black professor who defied all odds in pursuit of his academic ambitions. Jason’s remarkable journey begins with a diagnosis of Global Developmental Delay and Autism during his early years. He didn’t start speaking until the age of 11 and didn’t learn to read and write until he turned 18. Yet, at the age of just 37, he achieved the esteemed title of Professor of Sociology of Education at the prestigious University of Cambridge. Jason’s story is not just one of academic triumph but a testament to his unwavering determination and spirit. It serves as a powerful reminder that potential knows no bounds and we can achieve the seemingly impossible.
What’s in the Night Sky November 2023: