Daily Bread for 12.10.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Thursday in town will be windy but cloudy, with a high of fifty-five. Sunrise is 7:15 and sunset 4:20, for 9h 05m 50s of daytime. We’ve a new moon today.

There’s a Fire Department Meeting tonight at 7 PM.

On this day in 1948, the United Nations adopts a Universal Declaration on Human Rights:

Paris, Dec, 10–A universal Declaration on Human Rights nearly three years in preparation, was adopted late tonight by the United Nations General Assembly. The vote was 48 to 0 with the Soviet bloc, Saudi Arabia and the Union of South Africa abstaining.

[The draft text of the Declaration of Human Rights was published in The New York Times Dec. 7.]

The declaration is the first part of a projected three-part International Bill of Rights. The United Nations now will begin drafting a convention that will be a treaty embodying in specific detail and in legally binding form the principles proclaimed in the declaration. The third part will be a protocol for implementation of the convention possibly by such measures as establishment of an International Court of Human Rights and an International Committee of Conciliation.

The Assembly accorded an ovation to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt when Dr. Herbert V. Evatt, the Assembly’s president, after declaring the declaration adopted, paid tribute to the first chairman of the Human Rights Commission for her tireless efforts in the long process of drafting the document.

“She has raised a great name to an even greater honor,” Dr. Evatt said of the United States delegate.

On this day in 1864, the Wisconsinites reach Savannah:

1864 – (Civil War) 3rd Wisconsin Infantry Reaches Savannah, Georgia

The Wisconsin 3rd Infantry arrived at the front lines for the Battle of Savannah, Georgia. After marching from Atlanta under General William T. Sherman, Wisconsin troops assembled outside the coastal city of Savannah and laid siege to it.

Puzzability‘s Candle Holders series continues with Thursday’s game:

This Week’s Game — December 7-11
Candle Holders
For each night of Hanukkah this week, we started with a title with AND in the middle and replaced all the letters with asterisks, except for one instance of each of the letters in the word CANDLE, including the AND. (Those letters may appear elsewhere in the title as well.) The day’s clue also indicates the date and category of the title.
2015 TV show: **C****  AND  L*E*
Secrets and Lies
What to Submit:
Submit the title (as “Secrets and Lies” in the example) for your answer.
Thursday, December 10
1976 album: ***C*  AND  *L*E
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