Daily Bread for 12.11.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Friday in town will be partly cloudy with a high of forty-eight. Sunrise is 7:15 and sunset 4:20 for 9h 05m 06s of daytime. It’s a new moon today.

Whitewater’s Fire/EMS Task Force is scheduled to meet tonight at 7 PM.

On this day in 1941, Nazi Germany declares war on the United States, and America responds in kind:

Washington, Dec. 11 –The United States declared war today on Germany and Italy, Japan’s Axis partners. This nation acted swiftly after Germany formally declared war on us and Italy followed the German lead. Thus, President Roosevelt told Congress in his message, the long-known and the long-expected has taken place.

“The forces endeavoring to enslave the entire world now are moving toward this hemisphere,” he said.

“Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty and civilization.”

Delay, the President said, invites great danger. But he added:

“Rapid and united effort by all of the peoples of the world who are determined to remain free will insure a world victory of the forces of justice and righteousness over the forces of savagery and barbarism.”

For the first time in its history the United States finds itself at war against powers in both the Atlantic and the Pacific.

On this day in 1901, Morris Pratt incorporates:

1901 – Morris Pratt Institute Incorporated

On this date spiritual leader Morris Pratt gained incorporation for his school of spiritualism located in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Many people of this time embraced spiritualism to try to reach friends and family who had died in the Civil War. As a result, Whitewater became known as the “mecca of modern spiritualism.” Pratt built his institute in 1888, which was initially used as a meeting place for public seances. Pratt decided to turn his institution into an educational school for spiritualists, focusing on science, literature, morality, and communication, as well as spiritualistic instruction. The institute was closed for a few years during the Depression, and then in 1977 relocated to Waukesha, where it remains one of the few institutes in the world that is dedicated to the study of spiritualism. [Source: Wisconsin Saints and Sinners by Fred L. Holmes]

Here’s Puzzability’s Friday game in this week’s Candle Holders series:

This Week’s Game — December 7-11
Candle Holders
For each night of Hanukkah this week, we started with a title with AND in the middle and replaced all the letters with asterisks, except for one instance of each of the letters in the word CANDLE, including the AND. (Those letters may appear elsewhere in the title as well.) The day’s clue also indicates the date and category of the title.
2015 TV show: **C****  AND  L*E*
Secrets and Lies
What to Submit:
Submit the title (as “Secrets and Lies” in the example) for your answer.
Friday, December 11
1968 song: C******  AND  *L**E*
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