Daily Bread for 12.14.11

Good morning.

It’s a rainy day in Whitewater, with a high temperature likely to be around forty-seven.  In San Diego, there’ll be partly cloudy skies and a high of sixty.

Whitewater’s Tech Park board meets today at 8 AM.  On the agenda, for closed session, is the same item that’s been on prior of the agendas over many months: “Whitewater University Technology Park Executive Director Search & Screen Update.”

They’re bound to find someone eventually, as the U.S. Census Bureau estimates the American population is over 312,773,435, and the world population is over 6,981,195,998.  There simply has to be someone who’d run a public project that took millions to shift public employees from one struggling town to another. Considering only those in America, it would take just .00000031972% of our population to find someone, anyone, to take that job.

The Wisconsin Historical Society marks this as a notable day in the history, so to speak, of Wisconsin and (really) American history:

1893 – Frederick Jackson Turner Delivers Frontier Address
On this date Frederick Jackson Turner delivered the “Significance of the Frontier in American History” address at the forty-first annual meeting of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. [Source: SHSW Proceedings, 1893, pg. 79-112]

Thanks, by the way, for the kind messages about yesterday’s baby sloth video; one discovers all sorts of endearing films like that, and they’re a treat to watch.

Google’s puzzle for today is about tiny Rhode Island, but it wouldn’t be a tiny place after what Google asks: “If you turned the entire state of Rhode Island into a farm, how many acres would your farm have?”

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