Daily Bread for 12.16.19

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of thirty-one.  Sunrise is 7:19 AM and sunset 4:22 PM, for 9h 02m 27s of daytime.  The moon is a waning gibbous with 79.3% of its visible disk illuminated.

Today is the one thousand one hundred thirty-third day.

Whitewater’s Fire Department meets at 6 PM, and Whitewater’s School Board meets in closed session at 6 PM, with an open session scheduled to begin at 7 PM.

On this day in 1944, the Battle of the Bulge begins with a German counteroffensive on the western front. 

Jennifer Rubin writes Don’t worry, Sen. Graham. No one thought you’d be fair:

The Post reports:

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Saturday that he’s made up his mind that President Trump should be acquitted, dismissed the notion that he has to be a “fair juror” and said he doesn’t see the need for a formal trial in the Senate.

He need not have worried. Amidst his boot-licking and willful ignorance of a “quid pro quo,” Graham left little doubt that he had the slightest intention of doing his job as a juror.

At the trial, Democrats should certainly appeal to the presiding judge, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., to disqualify Graham. After all, it is impossible that he could take an oath as required under the Constitution. “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in all things appertaining to the trial of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help me God,” is the oath Graham and others must take. He has declared not only his partiality but his determination to ignore all evidence.

Margaret Sullivan writes Chris Wallace wants journalists to push for the truth. But Fox News often traffics in propaganda:

Wallace’s Sunday morning interview show is often riveting, creating newsworthy moments — whether he is grilling former FBI director James B. Comey as he did this week or holding White House adviser Stephen Miller’s feet to the fire as he did in late September.

“According to POTUS, Chris Wallace is a partisan hack. In reality, he’s consistently the gold standard for American political interviewers,” Jonathan Swan of Axios noted on Twitter shortly after the Comey interview aired.

Tough, well-prepared and knowledgeable, Wallace is willing to interrupt, ask follow-up questions and assert facts when his subjects are insistently spewing talking points. That President Trump bashes him as “nasty and obnoxious” or calls his interviews “dumb and unfair” doesn’t detract from that reality.

Earlier on Sunday, during the two-hour “Fox & Friends” show, this typical chyron led the cheers: “Trump’s Week of Winning Despite Impeachment.” And the hosts’ softer-than-Charmin interview with former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) mocked Democrats for talking about “prayerfulness” as next week’s impeachment vote approaches.


Wallace is a straight-shooter and a pro.

We need lots more of what he offers.

But his contributions to truth-telling and holding public officials accountable — important as they are — don’t make up for what goes on at Fox News too much of the time.

(Wallace is a faint voice against Fox’s screaming opinion side.)

How to Fight Fake News on Vaccines:

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