Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will be cloudy with a high of 40. Sunrise is 7:22 and sunset 4:24 for 9h 01m 40s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 70% of its visible disk illuminated.
Whitewater’s Ethics Committee meets at 5:00 PM and the Community Development Authority at 5:30 PM.
On this day in 1968, Apollo 8 is launched from the Kennedy Space Center, placing its crew on a lunar trajectory for the first visit to another celestial body by humans.

By NASA/Bill Anders –, Public Domain,
Winter begins today at 9:27 PM and lasts until Tuesday, March 19th at 10:06 PM.
It’s this libertarian blogger’s second-favorite season (after autumn). Winter is austere, and in that seasonal austerity one has fewer distractions. Spring and summer tempt, fall rewards and then cautions, but winter alone denies. Winter is the economic principle of scarcity plainly manifest. She limits and by limiting imposes choices: What will you do, from what will you refrain, and why? What matters to you, and what doesn’t? She will expect — and within her power compel — an answer.
Winter in our part of the world is cold, but she is beautifully cold.
Vivaldi – Winter from The Four Seasons | Netherlands Bach Society: