Daily Bread for 12.22.13

Good morning.

It’s a snowy Sunday for Whitewater, with a daytime accumulation of about four inches, for a total of about eight inches, and a daytime high of twenty-eight.

There are, snowfall notwithstanding, effective and safe ways to get around.

Via Wikipedia

Via Wikipedia

On this day in 1864, General Sherman gave Pres. Lincoln an early Christmas gift: “I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah.” The gift came unwrapped, but with the greater benefit that it brought the war closer to a victorious end.

On 12.22.1862, a future governor is born:

1862 – Wisconsin Governor Walter Goodland Born
On this date Governor Goodland was born. Goodland had a long and successfull career editing and publishing various newspapers in Michigan and Wisconsin, including the Racine Times. Newspaper reporters dubbed him “Woof-Woof” due to his deep, rumbling voice. Twice widowed, Goodland eventually married his secretary, Madge Roche Risney Goodland (also widowed). After retiring from the newspaper business, Goodland decided to run for lieutenant governor under Progressive Orland Loomis.

Loomis died before inauguration, giving the office to Goodland. Goodland, a Republican, proceeded to win the governorship in 1944 and 1946. He died in the old executive residence on March 12, 1947 at the age of 84, being the oldest governor in office in any state. [Source: First Ladies of Wisconsin, The Governors’ Wives by Nancy G. Williams]

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