Daily Bread for 12.23.12

Good morning.

Sunday in the Whippet City will grow increasingly cloudy, with a high of twenty-five.

On this day in 1986, an aviation milestone:  “On Dec. 23, 1986, the experimental airplane Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, completed the first non-stop, around-the-world flight without refueling as it landed safely at Edwards Air Force Base in California.”

On this day in 1865, Wisconsin soliders return home, their defense of the Union having been successfully accomplished:

1865 – (Civil War) The 13th Wisconsin Infantry returns home
The 13th Wisconsin Infantry returned home to Madison to be discharged. During its service it had moved through Missouri, Kentucky, Alabama, and Tennessee. The regiment lost 193 men during service. Five enlisted men were killed and 188 enlisted men died from disease.

Google-a-Day asks a question of military history and academic performance: “What was the class rank upon graduation from West Point of the man who, until his dispute with the president, was commander of the U.N. troops in Korea?”

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