Good morning, Whitewater.
Wednesday will be cloudy with a high of twenty-eight. Sunrise is 7:25 and sunset is 4:30, for 9h 04m 50s of daytime. The moon is a waning gibbous with 74.3% of its visible disk illuminated.
Behold, from among the wonders of the deep, a rare and beautiful creature in Toyama Bay:
On this day in 1922, Prohibition leads to confiscation in Madison:
1922 – Authorities Confiscate Illegal Alcohol
On this date authorities in Madison confiscated 1,200 gallons of “mash” and fifteen gallons of moonshine from the home of a suspected bootlegger. As the illegal liquor trade flourished in Madison’s Greenbush neighborhood during Prohibition, two rival gangs, one on Regent Street and the other located on Milton Street, fought to gain control until the “Rum War” erupted among these factions in 1923. [Source:Bishops to Bootleggers: A Biographical Guide to Resurrection Cemetery, p.189]