Good morning.
We’ll have a chance of flurries in the morning, then mostly sunny skies and temperatures falling into the twenties.
Whitewater’s Landmarks Commission meets at 6 PM, as will the Fire & Rescue Task Force (6 PM).
On this day in 1901, Walt Disney is born.
In the Wisconsin of December 5, 1879, a new organization:
1879 – Humane Society of Wisconsin Organized
On this date the Humane Society of Wisconsin was organized in Milwaukee. Inspired by Henry Bergh, a New York City philanthropist, and his Humane Movement, the state Humane Society was formed to protect both animals and children. However, with the formation of child protection laws in the early 1900s, the Humane Society of Wisconsin began to focus primarily on animal protection. [Source: Humane Society of Wisconsin]
Puzzability‘s Festival of Lights puzzles continue with their Thursday entry:
This Week’s Game — December 2-6
Festival of Lights
Here’s a bright idea for Hanukkah. The answer to each day’s trivia question this week is a two-word phrase, name, or title in which each word can be followed by the word “light” to make a compound word or phrase.
What was achieved for the first time by the Soviet Union in 1959 with an unmanned craft and by the U.S. 10 years later with a manned craft?
Moon landing (moonlight, landing light)
What to Submit:
Submit the two-word trivia answer (as “Moon landing” in the example) for your answer.
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Thursday, December 5