Daily Bread for 12.7.16

Good morning.

Midweek in this small city will be mostly cloudy with a high of twenty-seven.  Sunrise is 7:13 AM and sunset 4:20 PM, for 9h 07m 45s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 51.6% of its visible disk illuminated.

Whitewater’s Landmarks Commission meets at 6 PM.

It’s the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  On this day in 1954, U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy receives widespread criticism for the baseless charge that Pres. Eisenhower was “weak on Chinese communists.”

Worth reading in full — 

In 75 years later, USS Arizona band remembered, Meg Jones writes about members of a a U.S. Navy band on the deck of the U.S.S. Arizona at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor: “My grandparents as well as a lot of others didn’t know if their sons were alive or dead. I think the shock of it was so bad they never really talked about it,” said Nielsen, a retired optometrist who lives in Michigan. “Looking back now I think that it was such a significant thing that happened that it kind of derailed a lot of things in their lives. I just don’t think they had as much happiness in their life.” All Nielsen has is a few photos of his uncle, a newspaper clipping of his obituary and his Purple Heart. “I often think what it would have been like had he survived and had a nice career in music. I can just see him surviving the ’40s and being involved in music in some way. Who knows? Jazz or Nashville or something like that,” Nielsen said.”

Jason Stein writes that a Walker official predicts worsening roads, rising debt: “Madison — The share of Wisconsin highways in poor condition is on track to double over a decade, debt payments are set to rise for the next several years and state costs are poised to outpace new money for road and highway projects, Gov. Scott Walker’s transportation secretary told lawmakers Tuesday. There are 12,000 miles of Interstate, state and U.S. highways in Wisconsin and by 2027 42% of them will be in poor condition if the state doesn’t find new revenue or other solutions, state Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb testified Tuesday. In the coming years, the state is expected to end up using up to a quarter of every dollar in its road fund for debt payments under Gov. Scott Walker’s two-year plan to borrow a half billion dollars for highway and bridge projects, Gottlieb said in more than three hours of painstaking testimony.”

Predictably, Time magazine has selected its person of the year.

The AP reports on a supposed sale of Trump’s assets in Aide says Donald Trump sold stocks in June but offers no proof: “WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump sold all of his stocks in June as he plunged into the costly general election campaign, his transition team abruptly announced Tuesday. His advisers provided no proof of the transactions and would not explain the apparent sell-off.”

Even disposable materials may form realistic sculptures —

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