Daily Bread for 12.9.13

Good morning.

We’ll have gradually clearing skies this Monday, with a high of seventeen (wind chill values being between five and five below).

There are three municipal meetings scheduled for today. At 5:00 PM, there’s a special meeting of the Community Development Authority. At 6 PM, the Planning Commission meets, and at the same time (6 PM) there’s a meeting of the Fire and Rescue Task Force.

Of these meetings, one may say that there never was and never will be anything special about lapping up crony-capitalist checks from the WEDC, it’s a sign to the city of how serious the Planning Commission is by how much they focus on sign regulations, and the task of the Fire and Rescue Task Force should be to do more than ponder whether – scathing report now public – one should be “in the process of implementing any recommendations if there is a need to do so.”

If one doesn’t see a need now, then one will never see any need, for anything.

Well, we have a definitive answer to the poll question, FW Friday Poll: Whitewater’s first accumulated snowfall in the 2013-14 season? It was December 8th. I picked a date too soon (December 4), but some of those 26.19% who picked a date between 12-1 to 12-15 may have had 12.8 in mind.

Of the most recent FW poll, an overwhelming number (86.36%) answered the question of whether to sell or discard a returned engagement ring by voting to sell.

Google’s Doodle celebrates the birthday of Grace Hopper (she would have been 107 today):

WERE SHE alive today, Grace Hopper would surely be too busy and focused to dwell on her own Google Doodle.

Too much to do, and discover, and understand. Throughout her long career, Hopper the naval officer, like time, marched on.

“Amazing Grace” Hopper would have been 107 today, and Google pays tribute with a home-page cartoon of the young computer pioneer at work. The Doodle prompts us to celebrate the great woman and mathematician and trailblazing programmer, even if she wasn’t the type to make a fuss over such things.

Puzzability‘s new puzzle series for the week of 12.9-12.13 is about the cold:

This Week’s Game — December 9-13
The Bitter End
It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter out there. For each day this week, we started with a word and added the sound “brrr” to the end to get a new word. The two-word answer phrase, described by each day’s clue, is the shorter word followed by the “brrr” word.
Saloon employee who cuts men’s hair
Bar barber
What to Submit:
Submit the two-word phrase, with the “brrr” word second (as “Bar barber” in the example), for your answer.
Monday, December 9
Integer too cold to feel anything

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