Daily Bread for 2.1.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

A new month begins with for a snow-covered Whitewater. We’ll have a high of twenty-one today, and an additional accumulation of three to five inches. Sunrise is 7:08 AM and sunset 5:08 PM, for 10h 00m 00s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 94.7% of its visible disk illuminated.

Here’s a feline who, on January 24th, made good use of a snowy day in her backyard:

Friday’s FW poll asked which team respondents thought would win the Super Bowl XLIX. A majority of respondents (56%) picked the Patriots.

Google’s Doodle celebrates the 113th birthday of Langston Hughes:

On this day in 1926, Gen. Mitchell resigns:

1926 – General Billy Mitchell Resigns
On this date General William “Billy” Mitchell resigned from the United States Air Service after he was found guilty of insubordination at a court martial hearing. He was suspended from active duty for five years. A Milwaukee native, Mitchell vigorously opposed the Army’s concentration on maritime power instead of air power. Mitchell devoted his life to the study and execution of air power, and was recognized as the top American combat airman of World War I. There was one dissenter in the court martial hearing – General Douglas MacArthur, an old Milwaukee friend. [Source: American Airpower Biography]

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