Daily Bread for 2-10-11

Good morning,

It’s a sunny day for Whitewater, with a predicted high temperature of eleven degrees.

Today is a dark day in Wisconsin history. The Wisconsin Historical Society remembers that, in

1763 – Treaty of Paris Cede[d] Wisconsin to England

On this date the Treaty of Paris ceded formerly French-controlled land, including the Wisconsin region, to England. [Source: Avalon Project at Yale University] offers, in its News in Brief section, something about the subtle power of cell phones — frequent usage causes people to associate numbers with the corresponding letters of a keyboard:

5683 is all you need

Cell phones send messages on the sly — to their owners. People who frequently call and text others with these devices unthinkingly associate keyboard numbers with their accompanying letters, says psychologist Sascha Topolinski of the University of Wurzburg in Germany. Cell slingers recognize words faster after having dialed numbers that correspond to those words, such as 5683 for LOVE, she reports in an upcoming Psychological Science. In other experiments, cell users preferred dialing numbers that denoted positive words (37326 for DREAM) over numbers signifying negative words (75463 for SLIME) and preferred companies with business-related phone numbers, such as LOVE for a dating agency, over companies without them — a result with marketing implications. —Bruce Bower

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