Daily Bread for 2.10.12

Good morning.

Whitewater will have a high temperature of about twenty-nine, with a good chance of snow, amounting to less than an inch.  In Portland, Oregon, it will be a day of showers, with a high of fifty-one.

The Wisconsin Historical Society marks today as one of changing ownership: “on this day in 1773, “the Treaty of Paris ceded formerly French-controlled land, including the Wisconsin region, to England. [Source: Avalon Project at Yale University].”

Something more about France, from Google’s daily puzzle: “What was the Allied code name for the evacuation of 338,000 troops from a French port during World War II?”

Valentine’s Day draws close, and the Journal Sentinel‘s OnTap writes to help: “Looking for love? Bartenders pour some dating tips.”  If there are those who know the ins-and-outs of a bar, they would be bartenders, I wouldn’t wonder.  You may judge for yourself how sound the suggestions seem, but it’s impossible to argue with the idea that a man shouldn’t ridicule a woman’s drink-choice.  If even that’s a problem, it’s sure to de downhill thereafter.


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