Daily Bread for 2-14-11

Good morning,

Whitewater’s Valentine’s Day forecast calls for a mostly sunny day, with highs in the mid-thirties.

In the City of Whitewater today, there will be a meeting of the Planning Commission at 6 p.m.  The agenda for that meeting is available online.   At 6:30 p.m., there will be a meeting of the Library Board.  That agenda is also online.

I’m overdue on posts about the mess that is tax incremental district 4.  I’ve not forgotten; it’s a work in progress (that is, the posts, not the district).

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that today is a memorable day in Wisconsin, American, and world history:

1819 – Typewriter Inventor Born

On this date the inventor of the modern typewriter, C. Latham Sholes, was born. Sholes moved to Wisconsin as a child and lived in Green Bay, Kenosha, and Milwaukee. In 1867, in Milwaukee, he presented his first model for the modern typewriter and patents for the device were taken out in 1868. Sholes took the advice of many mechanical experts, including Thomas Edison, and so claims that he was the sole inventor of the typewriter have often been disputed. [Source: Badger Saints and Sinners by Fred L. Homes, pg 316-328]

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