Daily Bread for 2.14.14

Good morning.

Valentine’s Day in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of nineteen. Sunrise today is 6:54 AM and sunset is 5:25 PM. There’s a full moon today at 5:54 PM.

Cold(er) temperatures can be beneficial for one’s health, as James Hamblin explains in How Being Cold Burns Calories:

If you are a human in winter today, take solace in the knowledge that being outside burns calories. In the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, scientists from Maastricht University in The Netherlands argue that when exercise isn’t an option, “regular exposure to mild cold may provide a healthy and sustainable alternative strategy for increasing energy expenditure.”

….This idea is like a Paleo Diet for your surroundings. Our bodies aren’t meant to always be in ideally temperate environments. Letting the temperature of your home or office vary significantly with the seasons is good for you and the environment.

“Cold exposure alone will not save the world,” they write, “but it is a serious factor to consider in creating a sustainable environment together with a healthy lifestyle.”

On this day in 1819, a longtime Wisconsin resident and inventor is born:

1819 – Typewriter Inventor Born
On this date the inventor of the modern typewriter, C. Latham Sholes, was born. Sholes moved to Wisconsin as a child and lived in Green Bay, Kenosha, and Milwaukee. In 1867, in Milwaukee, he presented his first model for the modern typewriter and patents for the device were taken out in 1868. Sholes took the advice of many mechanical experts, including Thomas Edison, and so claims that he was the sole inventor of the typewriter have often been disputed. [Source: Badger Saints and Sinners by Fred L. Homes, pg 316-328]

Puzzability’s Valentine’s holiday concludes today with Friday’s game:

This Week’s Game — February 10-14
Candy and Flowers
We’ve gotten you two gifts every day this Valentine’s week. For each day, we started with the name of a chocolate brand plus the name of a flower. Each day’s clue shows the brand name and the flower name melded together in a string of letters, with each in order but intermingled with the other.
What to Submit:
Submit the brand and the flower, in that order (as “Dove/lily” in the example), for your answer.
Friday, February 14


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11 years ago


11 years ago

The Whitman’s Sampler is still around:'s