Daily Bread for 2.2.12 (Groundhog Day Edition)

Good morning.

It’s a day of dense fog with a high temperature of forty-four for Whitewater.

In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, home of prognosticating groundhog Phil, today will be mostly cloudy and thirty-five.

This morning, Phil saw his shadow, and so predicted 6 more weeks of winter.

The Wisconsin Historical Society remembers a sporting advance from this day in 1905:

Professional Baseball Arrives in Wisconsin

On this date the Wisconsin State League was formed, bringing professional baseball to five Wisconsin cities. The six-team league began play the following summer with franchises in Beloit, Green Bay, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Wausau, and Freeport, Illinois. The league lasted through 1914, although its named was changed to Wisconsin-Illinois in 1908.

Google’s daily puzzle asks about a life-changing decision: “What job did Poor Richard’s first-born son take that effectively ended their relationship?”

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