Daily Bread for 2.2.15 (Groundhog Day Edition)

Good morning, Whitewater.

After a snowy weekend, Monday brings a mostly sunny day with a high of thirteen. Sunrise is 7:07 AM and sunset 5:09 PM, for 10h 02m 26s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 98% of its visible disk illuminated.

The world’s leading meteorologist, Punxsutawney Phil, predicts that we will have six more weeks of winter.


America’s first Groundhog Day takes place on this day in 1887:

The date of Phil’s prognostication is known as Groundhog Day in the United States and Canada, and has been celebrated since 1887….

A select group, called the Inner Circle, takes care of Phil year-round and also plans the annual ceremony. Members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club’s Inner Circle are recognizable by their top hats and tuxedos.

Prior to 1952, a groundhog named Pete was Punxsutawney’s groundhog. Pete’s downfall was caused by one William A. Swartworth, a rookie newsman in the Pittsburgh bureau of the Associated Press.
As the newest staffer, Swartworth was assigned to write the bureau’s annual Groundhog Day story on February 2, 1952. Veteran newsmen disdained the task, feeling it was simply an exercise of the imagination, the more fanciful the better, fabricated from three basic elements- groundhog emerges from his burrow at sunrise; if he sees his shadow, it’s six more weeks of wintry weather; if not, spring is ready to burst forth.
Swartworth did his job, with one exception. He changed the groundhog’s name from Pete to Phil. Minutes after the story hit the news wires, the AP’s Philadelphia bureau (control point for the state) sent a message challenging accuracy of the groundhog’s name. Swartworth then fired off this historic reply: “Pete died. Phil is his son.” Swartworth chose the name Phil after the notorious con man from the 1950s dubbed Pittsburgh Phil. And so to this day Phil remains the world’s most famous groundhog weather forecaster. [2]

Punxsutawney Phil fans say that there is only one Phil, and that all the other groundhogs are impostors. It is claimed that Pete/Phil has made weather prognostications since 1887, making the Punxsutawney groundhog a legendary rather than factual figure, since groundhogs only live up to six years.[3] It is publicly unknown how many groundhogs have actively played Phil.

According to the Groundhog Club, Phil, after making the prediction, speaks to the Club President in “Groundhogese”, which only the current president can understand, and then his prediction is translated for the entire world.

The Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a Celtic tradition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on February 2, the Pagan holiday of Imbolc, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend says spring would come early.
The ties in Pennsylvania may actually come from Germans, when clear skies on Candlemas Day, February 2, were said to herald cold weather ahead. In Germany, the tradition morphed into a myth that if the sun came out on Candlemas, a hedgehog would cast its shadow, predicting snow all the way into May. When German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania, they transferred the tradition onto local fauna, replacing hedgehogs with groundhogs.

On this day in 1905, Wisconsin gets professional baseball:

On this date the Wisconsin State League was formed, bringing professional baseball to five Wisconsin cities. The six-team league began play the following summer with franchises in Beloit, Green Bay, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Wausau, and Freeport, Illinois. The league lasted through 1914, although its named was changed to Wisconsin-Illinois in 1908.

Google-a-Day asks a question about academic standing:

What was the class rank upon graduation from West Point of the man who, until his dispute with the president, was commander of the U.N. troops in Korea?

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