Daily Bread for 2.23.15

Good morning, Whitewater.

Our Monday will be sunny and cold, with a high of nine degrees. Sunrise is 6:38 and sunset is 5:37, for 10h 58m 23s of daytime. The moon is a waxing crescent with 27% of its visible disk illuminated.

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, by Joe Rosenthal / The Associated Press. Via Wikipedia.

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, by Joe Rosenthal / The Associated Press. Via Wikipedia.

On this day in 1945,“>United States Marines raise the American flag on Iwo Jima:

The famous photograph taken by Rosenthal was the second U.S. flag-raising event of the day. On orders from Colonel Chandler Johnson—passed on by Captain Dave Severance—Sergeant Michael Strank, Corporal Harlon H. Block, Private First Class Franklin R. Sousley, and Private First Class Ira H. Hayes (all four from the Second Platoon, Easy Company) spent the morning after the first flag-raising laying a telephone wire to the top of Mt. Suribachi. Severance also dispatched Private First Class

Rene A. Gagnon, the battalion runner for Easy Company, to the command post for fresh SCR-300 walkie-talkie batteries.[17]

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Albert Theodore Tuttle[16] had found a larger (96-by-56–inch) flag in nearby Tank Landing Ship USS LST-779. He made his way back to the command post and gave it to Johnson. Johnson, in turn, gave it to Rene Gagnon, with orders to take it up to Lt. Schrier on Mt. Suribachi and raise it.[18] The official Marine Corps history of the event is that Lt. Tuttle received the flag from Navy Ensign Alan Wood of USS LST-779, who in turn had received the flag from a supply depot in Pearl Harbor.[19][20][21]


On this day in 1846, a (malted) milk magnate is born:

1846 – William Horlick Born
On this date William Horlick was born in Ruardean, Gloucestershire, England. A noted food manufacturer and philanthopist, Horlick arrived in the U.S. in 1869 and settled in Racine. In 1872 he moved to Chicago with his brother and began to manufacture food products.

In 1876 his company moved to Racine where he began to experiment with creating a dried milk product. In 1887 he trademarked Malted Milk. In 1889 he opened a company branch in New York City and another in England the following year. He constructed additional plants in Racine in 1902 and 1905. The company name was changed to Horlick’s Malted Milk Co. in 1906. This success enabled Horlick to achieve a widespread reputation as a philanthropist in Racine. He also helped fund the first Byrd expedition to the South Pole and the Amundsen expedition to the North Pole. After his death in 1936, control of the company passed to his son, Ander James Horlick. [Source: Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography, SHSW 1960, pg. 177]

Puzzability‘s game for the week is about hit singles:

This Week’s Game — February 23-27
Singled Out
There are hits missing this week. For each day, fill in the two-word title of a #1 hit song so that a familiar phrase or compound word is formed by the first word in the clue followed by the first word in the song title, and likewise a phrase or word is formed by the second word in the song title followed by the second word in the clue.
GILA ____ ____ NOTE
“Monster Mash”
What to Submit:
Submit the song title (as “Monster Mash” in the example) for your answer.
Monday, February 23
HERE’S ____ ____ DUST
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