Daily Bread for 2.24.11

Good morning,

Today’s forecast for the Whippet City calls for a cloudy day, with a high temperature of thirty-four degrees.

It’s Spirit Day at Whitewater Middle School, and Market Day at the high school.

Wired has a intriguing video posted about how animals like the sandfish lizard swim through sand.

The team found sine-wave-like movement allows the lizard, and their [model] robot, to push forward in sand, but creating computer models for the experiments proved problematic. Simulating all of the tiny sand grains required a lot of money to purchase time on powerful computers. So, the team performed the same experiments using 3-millimeter-wide glass beads instead of sand.

“We wanted something easy to simulate that had some predictive power. We got lucky, because it turned out [the lizard and robot] swim beautifully in the same way through larger glass beads,” [Georgia Tech’s Daniel] Goldman said.

Via Video: Secrets of Swimming in Sand Revealed | Wired Science |

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