Daily Bread for 2.24.14

Good morning.

Monday will be an increasingly cloudy day with a high of twenty.

Of local government, the Board of Canvass meets today following last Tuesday’s Spring Primary voting in the Fourth Council District, during which they will select candidates for the April 1st general election.

On 2.24.1868, the House of Representatives impeaches Pres. Andrew Johnson over his removal of Sec. of War Edwin Stanton. Here’s now the New York Times reported the impeachment (Johnson was later acquitted in the Senate):

The first act in the great civil drama of the nineteenth century is concluded. Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, stands impeached of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” It is of no use to argue whether his acts were right or wrong, whether the law he violated is constitutional or otherwise, or whether it is good or bad policy to proceed to this extreme. The House of Representatives, with a full realization of all the possible consequences, has solemnly decided that he shall be held to account in the manner prescribed by the Constitution for his alleged misdemeanors, and, be the result what it may, the issue is made. It must be met without delay, and the first step is already complete.

I’ll bring back Google-a-Day for a bit, as a change of pace. Here’s Monday’s Google-a-Day question:

At what school did the man who was the great grandson of one president and the grandson of another president become a history professor in the 1870’s?

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