Daily Bread for 2.25.13

Good morning.

Whitewater will have a partly sunny day with a high of thirteen.

This afternoon, at 4:30 PM, Whitewater’s Urban Forestry Commission meets. At 6:00 PM, there will be a joint Common Council – Planning Commission meting to conduct a public hearing on the commercial provisions of the Zoning Re-write project.

On this day in 1862, at Camp Randall, there a demonstration of advances in artillery:

1862 – (Civil War) New Cannon Demonstrated at Camp Randall
James Loom exhibited a new breech-loading cannon at Camp Randall in Madison, Wisconsin The cannon was said to be effectively discharged 50 times in four minutes.

Google-a-Day has a question about NASA:

Of the five space shuttles, which one flew the most missions?

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