Daily Bread for 2.26.14

Good morning.

We’ll have a sunny day in Whitewater with a high of about nine degrees.

Downtown Whitewater’s board meets this morning at 8 AM. This afternoon, the Seed Capital Screening Committee meets at 4 PM, and the CDA board at 5:30 PM.

On this day in 1912, activists of Rock County form a suffrage organization:

1912 – Rock County Women’s Suffrage League Formed
On this date local women met at the library and formed the Rock County Women’s Suffrage League. The group elected Mrs. A.P. Lovejoy as their president. [Source: Janesville Gazette]

Google-a-Day asks about a reptile’s name:

What does the name given to the Aldabra giant tortoise, considered one of the longest-living animals on record at the time of his death, mean in English?

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