Daily Bread for 2.26.21

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of 40.  Sunrise is 6:33 AM and sunset 5:41 PM, for 11h 08m 29s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing gibbous with 99.1% of its visible disk illuminated.

 On this day in 1815, Napoleon escapes from Elba.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Andrew Atkinson reports Biggest Foreign-Worker Exodus Since WWII Adds to Britain’s Woes:

Foreign workers are leaving Britain at the fastest pace since World War II, presenting a challenge to an economy already roiled by Brexit and the coronavirus

London alone has lost 700,000 people over the last year, recent research suggests. The implications are profound for the Treasury, landlords and the chances for a recovery from the worst slump in three centuries.


A turn in migration flows would reshape the politics of immigration after a decade of government efforts to limit the numbers arriving. Longer term, it could also exacerbate the demographic problem that the U.K. shares with countries from Germany to Japan: how to support a rapidly aging population.

A theoretical scenario where migration dries up instead of rising by around 100,000 a year could cost the U.K. about 1% of output after five years. That would raise the budget deficit by 0.7% of gross domestic product, based on a rule of thumb used by the OBR, the U.K. fiscal watchdog.

Paul A. Smith reports Gray wolf kill rises to 216, 82% above state-licensed goal:

Hunters and trappers killed 216 gray wolves in the 2021 Wisconsin wolf harvest season, 82% above the state-licensed goal, according to Department of Natural Resources data released Thursday.

The hastily-arranged season began Monday and ended Wednesday; the kills surpassed the established goals in each of the six wolf management units.

State-licensed hunters and trappers had a harvest quota of 119 spread across the state, excluding Native American reservations.

The swift pace of the wolf kills, mostly by hunters using trailing hounds, took the DNR by surprise. And the overage was made worse by a state statute that requires 24-hour, rather than immediate, notice of the season closure, as well as a decision by the Natural Resources Board to issue twice as many as the normal number of permits.


The rushed timeframe also allowed very little opportunity for legally-required consultation with Native American tribes.

“This season trampled over the tribes’ treaty rights, the Wisconsin public, and professional wildlife stewardship,” said a spokesperson for the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. “It will go down as a stark example of mismanagement, and the problems that can be expected when the state Legislature and the courts embrace special interest groups over the public as a whole.”

Jana Kasperkevic interviews Fahmi Quadir in “Short Sellers are Always an Easy Boogeyman”:

Short sellers say they play an important role in the market, helping with price discovery and even exposing fraud, like in the cases of Wirecard and Valeant, the “pharmaceutical Enron” whose fraudulent conduct was exposed by short sellers including Quadir and Citron Research. But due to the backlash targeted at those shorting GameStop stocks, Citron Research is now pivoting away from short selling to helping investors buy stocks for the long term. “The risk-reward of being a short seller is not worth it; it’s not worth it for me or my family,” Andrew Left, founder of Citron, told the Wall Street Journal.

Quadir is no stranger to the downsides of short selling, which besides potentially losing millions of dollars include being followed and, as the New York Times recently put it, being “reviled by executives and shareholders alike.” And while dealing with such hatred might be a cost of doing business, Quadir worries that we might be losing sight of the crucial role short sellers play in the market.

How This Founder Built a Billion-Dollar Ethical Egg Business:

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