Daily Bread for 2.6.17

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be mostly cloudy with a high of forty-five. Sunrise is 7:02 AM and sunset 5:15 PM, for 10h 13m 43s of daytime. The moon is a waxing gibbous with 75.7% of its visible disk illuminated. Today is the {tooltip}ninetieth day.{end-texte}Days since Trump’s election, with 11.9.16 as the first day.{end-tooltip}

Babe Ruth is born on this day in 1895. On this day in 1967, activist Stokely Carmichael speaks at UW-Whitewater.

Recommended for reading in full — 

Jon Finer describes Trump Is Attacking Any Institution That Challenges Him: “From the many disturbing aspects of Donald Trump’s controversial and dizzying first two weeks as President, a theme is emerging that, in the long run, may prove more dangerous than any individual policy: his unprecedented assault on institutions that could delay or derail his radical agenda. As I wrote previously, this approach began, not by accident, with an assault on the press and intelligence community, two entities in American society that traditional provide the verified facts that are the basis for policy decisions. Trump set the stage for these fights by disparaging both institutions throughout the presidential campaign and transition, punctuated by his trademark pungent insults (the press as “the most dishonest humans,” the intelligence community as employing Nazi tactics) aimed less at their work product than at their very legitimacy. In a democracy, it is normal––sometimes even desirable––for institutions to advance different agendas, the collision of which produces policy. But what isn’t normal is for arguably the most powerful institution to seek not to win arguments against the others, but rather to vanquish them.”

Elizabeth Dwoskin reports that Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and 94 other tech companies call travel ban ‘unlawful’ in rare coordinated legal action: “Silicon Valley is stepping up its confrontation with the Trump administration. On Sunday night, technology giants Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter, Uber and many others filed a legal brief opposing the administration’s contentious entry ban, according to people familiar with the matter. The move represents a rare coordinated action across a broad swath of the industry — 97 companies in total— and demonstrates the depth of animosity toward the Trump ban. The amicus brief was filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, which is expected to rule within a few days on an appeal by the administration after a federal judge in Seattle issued late Friday a temporary restraining order putting the entry ban on hold. The brief comes at the end of a week of nationwide protests against the plan — as well as a flurry of activity in Silicon Valley, a region that sees immigration as central to its identity as an innovation hub.”

Link to Amicus Brief by Tech Companies.

Lee Bergquist writes that a Study says Wisconsin DNR underreports gray wolf poaching: “A University of Wisconsin-Madison study shows the human toll on wolves is higher than previously estimated and that state officials have underreported wolf deaths in past analyses. For years, wolves have been shot illegally, struck by cars and trucks or legally killed by authorities acting on reports that wolves were killing and threatening livestock and pets. But in a study published Monday in the Journal of Mammalogy, UW researcher Adrian Treves and a group of scientists found higher levels of illegal killing of wolves in Wisconsin than reported by the Department of Natural Resources. As part of the study, the researchers reinvestigated fatalities of a subset of wolves and found “abundant evidence” of gunshot wounds and injuries from trapping that may have been overlooked as a factor in their deaths, the authors said.”

Katie Zernicke reports that Trump Protesters Borrow From Tea Party to Put Pressure on Lawmakers: “MORRISTOWN, N.J. — For weeks, a swelling group has been showing up every Friday here at the local office of Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen to demand that he hold a town-hall meeting to answer its concerns about his fellow Republicans’ plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. After weeks without an answer, the congressman’s staff replied that he would be too busy, that such gatherings took considerable planning and that just finding a meeting place could be tough. So the group, NJ 11th for Change, secured venues in all four counties that Mr. Frelinghuysen represents for times during the congressional recess this month — and constituents plan to show up even if he does not. With congressional phone lines overloaded and district offices mobbed across the country, it’s beginning to look a lot like 2009.”

Here’s the full 84 Lumber Super Bowl Commercial – The Entire Journey (only a portion appeared during the game):

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