Daily Bread for 3.1.14

Good morning.

Lion_waiting_in_Namibia 533px-Sheep,_Stodmarsh_6

One often hears that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. We’ll see.

The results from yesterday’s poll about Vladimir Putin (Benign Statesman or Meddling Autocrat?) are in, and respondents delivered a decisive verdict: meddling autocrat, with 90.91% of the vote.

It’s the anniversary of the Peace Corps’ founding, from 3.1.1961, via Pres. Kennedy’s executive order.

On this day in 1985, Herb Kohl purchases the Milwaukee Bucks:

1985 – Kohl purchases Bucks
On this day in 1985 Milwaukee businessman and future United States Senator Herb Kohl purchased the Milwaukee Bucks for 18 million dollars.

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