Daily Bread for 3.13.13

Good morning.

It’s a sunny day ahead with a high of thirty. Today brings 11h 48m of sunshine, 12h 44m of daylight, and a new moon.

On this day in 1855, American astronomer Percival Lovell is born. Lovell’s work aided Clyde W. Tombaugh in the discovery of Pluto, and it was Lovell, of course, who famously believed he’d discovered canals and proof of life on Mars.

Lovell’s error about seeing water on surface of Mars may have been one of time more than truth, as NASA now believes that water did once flow across the Martian surface. (There’s no present speculation that, as Lovell believed, intelligent Martians somehow channeled that water for their own purposes.)

There are risks of kayaking, as with any sport, but one would not have expected this one:

Google-a-Day asks a science question: “What is the atomic weight of the lightest element on the periodic table?”

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