Daily Bread for 3.17.11

Good morning,

Whitewater’s forecast calls for a chance of showers,  and a high temperature of sixty-four degrees.

It’s Market Day pickup at Lincoln School today, from 5 to 6 p.m.  During the day, the 8th grade band will tour Whitewater’s elementary schools.

Wired‘s published a science story today,  entitled “Oldest Female Elephants Have Best Memory,” about a study from England:

Elephant matriarchs 60 years of age or older tended to assess threats in a simulated crisis more accurately than younger matriarchs did, says Karen McComb of the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. When researchers played recordings of various lion roars, elephant groups with older matriarchs grew especially defensive at the sound of male cats. Younger matriarchs’ families underreacted, McComb and her colleagues report in an upcoming Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.

So, elephants may have good memories, but aged females remember particularly well.

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